Unveiling the Hidden Danger: Radon Awareness in Colorado Part II

Sources of Radon
Radon in Colorado: A Widespread Issue
Geology and soil composition contribute to high radon levels in Colorado through the following mechanisms:
A. Uranium-rich bedrock: Colorado has abundant uranium deposits in its geological formations, such as granite, shale, and sandstone. Uranium naturally decays into radon gas, which can be released into the soil and infiltrate buildings.
B. Permeable soils: Some areas in Colorado have soils that are permeable, meaning they allow for the easy movement of gasses like radon. These soils often have high porosity and can act as conduits for radon gas to enter buildings through cracks and openings in foundations.
C. Fractures and fissures: Colorado's geology is characterized by numerous fractures and fissures in its bedrock. These geological features provide pathways for radon gas to move from the underlying soil and bedrock into buildings.
D. Building construction: The geology and soil composition can influence the construction of buildings. In areas with high radon levels, it is crucial to have proper ventilation systems and construction techniques that prevent radon gas from entering buildings.
- Some of the notable high radon regions in Colorado include:
A. Front Range: This region includes Denver, Boulder, Colorado Springs, and Fort Collins. Radon levels tend to be higher in this area due to the presence of granite formations.
B. Rocky Mountains: Areas along the Rocky Mountain range, especially in the central and northern parts of the state, have increased radon levels. Counties like Larimer, Weld, Grand, and Clear Creek typically exhibit higher radon concentrations.
C. Western Slope: Counties on the Western Slope, such as Mesa, Delta, Montrose, and Gunnison, have shown higher radon levels. Keep in mind that radon can be present anywhere, and it's crucial to test your home regardless of its location. Radon levels can vary even within neighborhoods, so it is recommended to conduct a radon test to determine the levels in your specific area.
- Why Colorado residents should be particularly vigilant about radon testing
While radon can be found throughout Colorado, some areas have higher levels than others and it is important to note that radon levels can vary within these counties. In fact, radon levels can vary even within communities. So while your neighbor may have tested low for radon does not necessarily mean your home will test low as well. The only way to determine the radon level in a specific home or property is to conduct a radon test.
Next time we will explore further into radon testing.