Off Any Radon
Mitigation System
Cannot be combined with any other offer and must present at time of estimate. No cash value.
Offer Ends 1/31/2025
Did you know 50% of Colorado homes have high levels of radon gas? This comes from the CO Department of Public Health & Environment. In fact, El Paso County is in "Zone 1" with a potential for high radon levels, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). And as a tasteless, odorless, cancer-causing gas the only way to detect it is through reliable radon testing. That's why homeowners in our community need to be ever more vigilant in protecting their houses from hazardous radon gas!
Luckily, Purple Mountain Radon is your trusted radon testing and radon mitigation company providing reliable solutions in protecting homeowners throughout [city_page:state]. To learn more, call 1-719-352-1528 or click below to schedule a radon test or a free radon mitigation estimate!
The primary causes of indoor air quality problems in homes are indoor pollution sources that release gases or particles. Such sources include radon, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), mold, dust mites, and pet dander. When there's not enough fresh outdoor air let into the home, the level of indoor pollutants can increase. This can contribute to or worsen allergy and asthma symptoms. Some pollutants at high levels, including radon, can contribute to cancer and other serious health conditions. Don't ignore potential radon or indoor air quality issues in your home. Purple Mountain Radon is a qualified El Paso County radon contractor in the National Radon Defense network, providing expert radon testing, radon mitigation, and indoor air quality solutions.
Contact us today to schedule a radon test or request a free estimate!
Radon is an invisible, odorless, tasteless, radioactive gas that comes from the natural breakdown of uranium found in soils, rock, and water. El Paso County is in "Zone 1" with a potential for high radon levels (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). Radon can seep through the soil, into the air, and through cracks and openings in home foundations, walls, and floors that are in contact with the ground. The only way to know if your home has a radon problem is with testing. There are several methods to test for radon. At Purple Mountain Radon, we typically use a continuous radon monitor to measure radon levels for 48 hours.
Better indoor air quality starts here. Purple Mountain Radon provides radon testing and free estimates for radon mitigation systems and indoor air quality solutions in El Paso County. Contact us today and let us know how we can help!